Like most of the ones that he has the privilege to get to know personally, I will call him Izzy. Israel Kelly is the Founder of Oneness Project Light Inc. A nonprofit organization that has helped many around the globe. Izzy is a humbled supporter of everyone looking to enhance and move their life into a more joyful experience. His purpose is to help people like you to experience a whole new YOU by sharing straightforward principles.
It is about equipping and encouraging you along a pathway to wholeness – in spirit, mind, and body - to have a better and abundant life.
Israel is a man endeavoring to live the spiritual life he has always wanted. His embodiment of unconditional love will take you in from the beginning and lead you to a free and happier YOU!
What we believe, what we think, and how we behave affects each component of our life. Greater wholeness can be achieved when we integrate a spirit, mind, and body approach to managing the stress in our lives. WeR1!