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"Él es un alma iluminada universal"

"Yo estoy muy contento con la session. Tenía muchas preocupaciones él me escuchó y me sentí como si estuviera hablando con mi mejor amigo. Yo recomendaría una consulta a cualquier persona que necesita ayuda auténtica y genuina. Los consejos que me dio para ayudarme a ser más feliz y preocuparse menos por mis problemas fueron excelentes. Este hombre fue enviado por el universo para guiar a muchas almas que están en la búsqueda de la iluminación, la libertad y el amor propio interior. Él es un alma iluminada universal. Muchas gracias amigo :)"

    Mike Spira

12th March 2016

"life changing experience"

"What an extraordinary and life changing experience! When I contacted Israel I was at the lowest of my life stage. I had done many things wrong, hurt people, hurt myself and closed myself off society. I was afraid of what everyone was expecting and thinking of me... I never believed in anything spiritual, before I hit Israel's Facebook page and saw all those people following - so I thought, this guy must be doing something right and all of a sudden I had the urge of getting help. Most importantly someone whom I felt would not judged by. I reached out to you with a plea for help and you responded right away. You made time for me the next day. I almost lost hope when I realized I couldn’t afford the consultation. During our conversation you inspired me tremendously. You truly care for people and for that I am so grateful. You help me better understand that I am not a Victim while also giving me confirmation that it is time to LOVE MYSELF. I will work on this daily until it manifests in my life. Thank you for all you have done and for all you do Israel - be blessed!"

George Williams

25th April 2016

"Many thanks to Oneness Project Light and all the time you put in your work! You provided me with his invaluable insight, which I found to be extraordinarily helpful on my journey toward personal growth & self discovery. It is also so fantastic the time we live in - 21st Century and all its technological possibilities to connect with people! It was a great Skype session Israel - thank you so much! You are truly as genuine as you come across on your videos on YouTube. Thank you for this eye opening experience - cannot wait for more!!"

        "We are All One"

Marcus Spencer

20th June 2016


Mi experiencia con Israel como un coche de la vida ha sido maravillosa. Cuando nos conocimos, yo sentía que mi vida estaba en desorden y no tenía ni idea de qué dirección iba. Yo tenía que tomar medidas y éxito-Gracias Israel!


15th Dec, 2015

"'The hidden treasures"

My life coaching experience with Israel has not only helped me to achieve goals, but more importantly, it has enabled me to discover who I am, what makes me tick, and what those goals really are. He has the gift of being able to find the hidden treasures that allow me to achieve those goals. My sessions with Israel are always productive.


26th Dec, 2015

"insightful, simple, ... and pleasant"

"My session with Izzy was insightful, simple to the point, and pleasant. His competency in relating and understanding people is vast, he will listen and put you to ease. He is the real deal and I can highly recommend his 1-2-1 session"

Maria Alamos

15th March 2016

"like talking to a best friend"

"I was very pleased with the session and the insight that was given. My concerns were listened to and I felt like I was talking to a best friend. I would recommend a consultation to anyone because of the authentic and genuine advice that was given to help me be happier and worry less about my problems. By the end of the session I realized that everything will fall into place naturally and we hold the key to successes and failures in everything we do! Thank you Mr. Kelly"

Fatima  Ruiz

2nd June 2016

"Encouraging me"

It helped me most to have someone in my corner, encouraging me, pointing out the negative talk in my head and the ways in which I sabotage myself. Now I have a dialogue with my self and push through the negative talk…


28th Dec, 2015

"absolutely incredible"

"I am addicted Israel - to you, your teaching, your voice! The impact You had on me in our 1-to-1 session was absolutely incredible. You showed me that I am worth the world and gave me the enlightenment about the purpose of Life - and now I am living it! I am living in the NOW, I am grateful, I love unconditionally - I live by Israel's rules - and I can't be more thankful about that! Namaste my Brother!!"


        30th May 2016

"Enlightened soul"

"Israel was sent by the universe to guide many souls who are in the search for enlightenment, freedom and inner self love. He is a universal enlightened soul who has the ability to connect, change and touch many hearts with his intelligent and spiritual approach. Keep up the mission! Love and Light to the Universe"

Pamela Scott

27th Jan 2016

"'Innere Stimme"

Ich brauchte Hilfe und fand Israels Website. Die Farben und Worte haben mich sofort positiv berührt und ich wusste, ich fand Hilfe. Die Sitzungen mit Israel vergehen leider nur immer zu schnell! Sie sind unglaublich bereichernd aber auch anstrengend zugleich, da ich mein neues ICH kennengelernt habe. Mein letzter Schrei nach Hilfe wurde erhört

Danke Israel Michaela R.

30th Dec 2015

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